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Today’s releases and teasers are all about perspective, I think we can all use some. And what better way to try to look at something through a different lens than through lyrics? A different spin on something in a new mix or a clever way to say the truth, it all can bring to light something you were trying to understand or just admit to yourself.

Memories are deceiving and can’t always be trusted. Sometimes you want to dance them away and act like you're happy just like Lindsay Ell does in her newest pop mix of Hits Me and sometimes they are good memories that you wish could last even longer. Like Adam Doleac in his newest release Coulda Loved You Longer I wish I met you sooner so I coulda loved you longer/All of our favorite memories go back a little farther.

Hits Me (Pop mix) I’m happy til it’s hits me we’re nothing more than history/better off as friends/

It might look like breaking up is easier for me but you can’t always believe what you see.

What you see is not necessarily what you get and perspective truly is about how you interpret, internalize, and perceive your dynamic with someone. We are all masters in disguise, the masks we hide behind make it hard for people to understand and leave people with lots of questions.

Jake Scott confronts these facades we put on for people in his newest release today off his upcoming album Golden Boy. We really want people to like us, but how real can we get with people when we have our guards up and we are always putting on a show? This is what he questions in his new song Off. It shouldn’t be a big deal if the real me gets a little too real/Would you love me less if I’m not everything you thought? What if I let the lights turn off? If people are going to leave you when you let your guard down that’s your answer, and sometimes we can’t see that until we ask ourselves those hard questions.

Sasha Sloan and Sam Hunt harmonize their longing question poetically in their new duet When Was It Over? ...for you when was the moment you knew you would walk out eventually/it’s still not over for me. The thing about perspective is that everyone has their own side to the story, and once you ask the question the answer might be totally different for the other person. It could be really hard to admit that your story line is miles away from the other person. The verses of this song represent perspective; asking was it this time or that other fight that was your breaking point? And then sometimes you realize just because it is over for someone else doesn’t mean you are ready to move on.

Searching for perspective isn’t just a role for the people involved. Questions also arise from outsiders looking in, and a third party perspective is just as dangerous as the truth. And that spreads like wildfire before the truth gets down the block. Carly Pearce puts these speculations to rest in an unreleased song (hopefully soon to be recorded for the extension of the 29 chapter) titled What He Didn’t Do. The Devil’s in the details I won’t tell you the hell he put me through all I know in the end it wasn’t what he did, no, it was what he didn’t do: treat me right, put me first, be a man of his word, stay home because he wanted to. This was Carly’s way of airing her truth, her perspective of how her relationship with Michael Ray unraveled. She ends the song by admitting she hasn’t found the one yet, but when she does she knows what he will do.

JP Saxe also teased a new song on Tik Tok and on his HomeTeam Live that will be on his debut album hopefully released very soon, just the other day he posted on Instagram that he heard the final Masters of the album! Just like Carly has perspective on how the right one will treat her from learning from her past, JP is acknowledging the difference between his past and his present with Julia Michaels (who he wrote this song about and with) in this song Like That. Nobody’s ever loved me like that, you don’t have to be strong you can be wrong /When I'm a mess you are the first thing I don’t second guess.

Sometimes we need to discover perspective on our own terms, in our own ways, to get to a place where we can identify what is right for us and who is right for us, like these artists have done utilizing their own creative outlet. If you can’t write a song to get you there, lean into these, universal truths and the tough questions we need to ask for ourselves. You never know where your perspective will spark from. Music, lyrics, and words are more powerful than we give them credit for, so stop and really listen. ~ Rockin Rox


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