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Single Ladies Approved Love Songs

Hearing new music on tour is so special. The artist feeds off the crowds energy and knows its a safe space to try out new material, not only a safe place but totally encouraged! Valentine’s Day is coming up and for my fellow single ladies the last thing we want to see is everyone else in love. For me, if it's in a song I can get over it. Unlike Kelsea Ballerini, I love a good love song! Lucky for me the last three shows I’ve been to the artists debuted new music. There was definitely a love theme, but each one was unique and said something a little different. That’s what happens when you go see artists who hone in on their songwriting. It is all in the lyrics, a love song, but not a cliche. That’s definitely what Ryan Hurd, Devin Dawson, and Old Dominion have been able to do. Let’s dive in!

Ryan Hurd brought all the love songs he wrote inspired by his wife and muse Maren Morris to the Bowery Ballroom stage on January 25th on the first run of his To a Tour. The first song they wrote together in the beginning of their careers was Last Turn Home, cut and recorded by Tim McGraw. When Maren headlined the Bowery on her Hero Tour Ryan came on stage to do an acoustic version of one of my favorite love songs. My favorite line ‘you are the one place I don’t need a map’ a very precious way to describe finding that one person that becomes so familiar, when a person not a place becomes home. Ryan opened his headlining set with an electric version of the song. Very different version, but so good! A real chance to see that Ryan is a true artist with his own style, not just Maren Morris’ husband.

Maren joined Ryan on stage this time for To a T since she does background vocals on his new single, and as Ryan tells it believed in that song before anybody else does and also told him it had to be released as a single. I personally love watching this duet, the way he looks at her when he sings. The love is clear between their interactions. Like the idea of Last Turn Home, the song plays off the expression knowing someone down to a T ‘I got you down to a T shirt white sheets red wine...I’ll take my time dot every i I got you down to a T’. Them on stage together brings out the sexy romance we love to see with this power couple (even if it isn’t with me).

The only thing to look forward to for singles on V Day is Ryan will be premiering the To A T music video and live chatting with Youtube Music at 12pm Est. I am definitely willing to bet Maren will make more than one appearance. Tune in!

Ryan opened and closed his set with a love song. He closed his set with a brand new song, yet to be recorded called Wish for the World. This was definitely inspired by his very true love story, but it’s a love letter for the world to spread love, hoping people will find a love like his. “A little less coming up with reasons not to chase your hearts desire, but when it really comes down to it if just one wish could come true I wish everyone could find someone they love like I love you” The entire sold out NYC swooned. See below!

The following week at the Bowery Ballroom Devin Dawson kicked off his Stray Off Course Tour in NYC. Another sold out night where he tried out two new songs. One was a groovy love song called Finishing Touches. A light, fun way to say someone completes you, “you put the finishing touches on me” Definitely can’t help to groove along to this jazzy beat and easy to sing along too! Check it out!

We can’t talk about lyrics and songwriting without mentioning the talented men of Old Dominion who have written for countless people. They’ve been writing for years, but just released a new single that they call their first true love song One Man Band. It is a song with a double meaning. As a band of five they really couldn’t see going on this musical journey without each other. In the literal sense it is also a love letter to that significant other that you want to take on the journey of life with. “I don’t want to be a one man band I don’t want to be a rolling stone alone baby take my hand because I don’t want to be a one man band”. Besides the chorus my favorite line is “I wanna run down your wild dreams and I wanna chase every high with you”. Check out a clip from their sold out show at Mohegan Sun Arena on the Make it Sweet Tour.

So there you have it my list of love songs that I can tolerate, I'll go far as say can thoroughly enjoy whatever your relationship status. It’s enduring to see true love performed on stage, whether it is the actual couple performing together or not. There’s always a new way to express love and these men definitely delivered in their own unique ways. Add to your love playlists or love with a twist because these lyrics are even singles approved! Happy Valentine’s Day xoxo Rockin Rox Promo!!

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